Wednesday, 27 February 2013
Tuesday, 26 February 2013
Ok chaps, now I realise that I am a little long in the tooth, but I have made a lovely little powerpoint presentation with a highly appropriate piece of music, but I can't get it to upload to Youtube!! Typical!! I have Googled for a solution and apart from buying a piece of conversion software no success. Can anyone help me please?????
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Professional Communication Technologies ......continued!
I have been reading various items on the internet over the last 24 hours and I have realised I have more to say about this topic than I first thought.
I have already been using YouTube as a tool to find original choreography of dance numbers and also research different versions of songs. I have alse viewed many videos which have been reposted by people in Facebook as something exceptional. These have caused conversations and commentary as people have posted their thoughts and then other people have agreed or even posted alternative videos.
YouTube has also been used very successfully to promote and, indeed, discover people who are now major stars, probably the most famous of which is Justin Beiber!
I was watching a television interview with a singer this week and she actually employs an online promoter. This person monitored posts and reactions to posts on Facebook and Twitter by the singer. She described how they would monitor the number of "likes" and comments of photos to see which pictures were more successful. This is Web 2.0 being used to a very commercial level and showing how technology is now used to successfully market people.
The recent use of Skype by Adesola to have a multi way conversation with students is surely a version of Web2.0. Using technology to connect a group of people from potentially all over the world to communicate, react and respond to each other instantly is very efficient and a very cost effective option.
Another professional networking site that I am signed up to is Linkedin, although I have never really made use of this. Having not spent any a mount of time on the website, my view from the outside is that it is really a network of professionals to exchange work ideas and to self promote.
In conclusion, the use of technology to promote yourself or your business, to find work, to communicate your ideas and thoughts is a relatively new innovation. If you look at the speed with which it has become part of our every day lives to use technology, not just to view a website but to deal with all our interactions, it is truly astounding. To us people who were well into adulthood before any of this technology was even developed it has been a time to open your eyes and try to embrace it and not let it wash over you.
I have already been using YouTube as a tool to find original choreography of dance numbers and also research different versions of songs. I have alse viewed many videos which have been reposted by people in Facebook as something exceptional. These have caused conversations and commentary as people have posted their thoughts and then other people have agreed or even posted alternative videos.
YouTube has also been used very successfully to promote and, indeed, discover people who are now major stars, probably the most famous of which is Justin Beiber!
I was watching a television interview with a singer this week and she actually employs an online promoter. This person monitored posts and reactions to posts on Facebook and Twitter by the singer. She described how they would monitor the number of "likes" and comments of photos to see which pictures were more successful. This is Web 2.0 being used to a very commercial level and showing how technology is now used to successfully market people.
The recent use of Skype by Adesola to have a multi way conversation with students is surely a version of Web2.0. Using technology to connect a group of people from potentially all over the world to communicate, react and respond to each other instantly is very efficient and a very cost effective option.
Another professional networking site that I am signed up to is Linkedin, although I have never really made use of this. Having not spent any a mount of time on the website, my view from the outside is that it is really a network of professionals to exchange work ideas and to self promote.
In conclusion, the use of technology to promote yourself or your business, to find work, to communicate your ideas and thoughts is a relatively new innovation. If you look at the speed with which it has become part of our every day lives to use technology, not just to view a website but to deal with all our interactions, it is truly astounding. To us people who were well into adulthood before any of this technology was even developed it has been a time to open your eyes and try to embrace it and not let it wash over you.
Friday, 22 February 2013
Professional Communication Technologies
Well my thoughts on Web 2.O and on the Reader are quite straightforward. I have been lucky enough to watch the development of the use of a PC right through to the now wide and common use of tablets and the Internet.
I remember using the Internet primarily for e-mail when working in an office environment and thought it was a fabulous improvement on the level on communication that had preceded it.
We started to use and develop websites to enable people to view our products and our our company details. But at that stage Web 2.0 was still under the radar for the majority of people.
My first introduction to Web2.0 was using Friends Reunited, where you were able to search for old friends and then communicate with them. It rapidly became a very useful tool for potentially locating and communicating with people that you had not seen or spoken to for many years, primarily old school friends. At roughly the same time, my daughters' were both using BEBO and MSN chat, however, I found both of these systems did not hold any interest to me.
The development and rapid rise of the success of Facebook became an overnight wonderment to me. I was able to find old dancing friends, communicate with people privately or publicly, discover things about people that I probably would never have discovered and also post my thoughts and feelings on my wall.
The statistics in the reader made me think about the averages given. Some of the statistics are quite staggering and I think there is definitely a case of limiting your friendship circle. As a dance teacher I often receive friend requests from the students that I teach, but I politely refuse and tell them that I consider it unethical from a teacher/pupil perspective. I have, however, created a Facebook Group (open to invited members only) for the dance school students and parents where I keep them informed of events, timetables, class changes. As a closed group any photographs are not visible to anyone outside of the group which, to me, is a vital part of the use of Web2.0. However, they are able to access the general information and contact details to enable prospective new s
My security and the security of my friends is important and my friendship circle is limited to "Friends" and not acquaintances. The statistics and to be fair some of the other students comments about the amount of friends they have, show that many people will add someone the day after they have met them in a bar/audition/other social setting and I wonder how many of those people would be friends that they would communicate with on a usual basis - i.e. telephone, face to face, email!!
I like the simplification of the description of Web2.0 at the end of the paragraph of Ulrich et al (2008). Web 2.0 is the development of communication from a one to one and one to many basis into a many to many basis, where potentially thousands of people can respond and react and interact with each other over one single item of information. For example, many comments posted about a YouTube video.
I have enjoyed the reader and it has made me think beyond my current limits, however as someone who grew up without computers, the Internet and mobile phones I have been very open to developing and improving my knowledge of technology as they have developed.
I remember using the Internet primarily for e-mail when working in an office environment and thought it was a fabulous improvement on the level on communication that had preceded it.
We started to use and develop websites to enable people to view our products and our our company details. But at that stage Web 2.0 was still under the radar for the majority of people.
My first introduction to Web2.0 was using Friends Reunited, where you were able to search for old friends and then communicate with them. It rapidly became a very useful tool for potentially locating and communicating with people that you had not seen or spoken to for many years, primarily old school friends. At roughly the same time, my daughters' were both using BEBO and MSN chat, however, I found both of these systems did not hold any interest to me.
The development and rapid rise of the success of Facebook became an overnight wonderment to me. I was able to find old dancing friends, communicate with people privately or publicly, discover things about people that I probably would never have discovered and also post my thoughts and feelings on my wall.
The statistics in the reader made me think about the averages given. Some of the statistics are quite staggering and I think there is definitely a case of limiting your friendship circle. As a dance teacher I often receive friend requests from the students that I teach, but I politely refuse and tell them that I consider it unethical from a teacher/pupil perspective. I have, however, created a Facebook Group (open to invited members only) for the dance school students and parents where I keep them informed of events, timetables, class changes. As a closed group any photographs are not visible to anyone outside of the group which, to me, is a vital part of the use of Web2.0. However, they are able to access the general information and contact details to enable prospective new s
My security and the security of my friends is important and my friendship circle is limited to "Friends" and not acquaintances. The statistics and to be fair some of the other students comments about the amount of friends they have, show that many people will add someone the day after they have met them in a bar/audition/other social setting and I wonder how many of those people would be friends that they would communicate with on a usual basis - i.e. telephone, face to face, email!!
I like the simplification of the description of Web2.0 at the end of the paragraph of Ulrich et al (2008). Web 2.0 is the development of communication from a one to one and one to many basis into a many to many basis, where potentially thousands of people can respond and react and interact with each other over one single item of information. For example, many comments posted about a YouTube video.
I have enjoyed the reader and it has made me think beyond my current limits, however as someone who grew up without computers, the Internet and mobile phones I have been very open to developing and improving my knowledge of technology as they have developed.
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Best of British!!
Sat watching the Brit awards and some fabulous British Talent so why do we need American artists performing and presenting? I suppose they have International award categories as well, but it is the BRIT awards. Rant over!! Trying to plan my youtube clip. Got some music sorted and now planning how my 45 seconds will look!! Still contemplating my comments on the "Reader"!!.
Sunday, 17 February 2013
Commentary on Task 1a
So, having posted my profile about 10 days ago, I was expecting to receive an influx of comments about it - good and bad. However this does not appear to have happened. I have seen my name mentioned in another persons Blog as a profile that they found interesting. I have spent even more time this week looking at other posts for Task 1a and there are some that interest me and others that don't. I particularly liked the "About Me" section of Georgina Bird as it gave me a good amount of detail about her training and work to date as well as showing me a bit of her personality however, she had uploaded versions of her two CV's which I found did not retain my interest. Then I found that I liked the CV posting of Emily Hunt. It was succint and to the point and very clearly set out, however, I thought her profile in the "About Me " section did not contain enough detail, so I had to refer back to her older posts to find her CV.
I found Adesola's Blog - "How you are experienced" very useful as it sort of confirmed my thoughts on this task - I never had any intention of uploading my personal details to be on display ot the world!
Is there a right or wrong way to complete this task or is it all down to interpretation? There is so much variation out there, I chose to only upload to my profile and not to actually put my CV on the that correct? It is, however, my interpretation of the task as described in the Manual.
I found Adesola's Blog - "How you are experienced" very useful as it sort of confirmed my thoughts on this task - I never had any intention of uploading my personal details to be on display ot the world!
Is there a right or wrong way to complete this task or is it all down to interpretation? There is so much variation out there, I chose to only upload to my profile and not to actually put my CV on the that correct? It is, however, my interpretation of the task as described in the Manual.
Thursday, 14 February 2013
Wednesday, 13 February 2013!!
I know that this is new to me, but as yet, I am yet to see the benefit of a Blog over say a Facebook page/group. It would appear that this is, not yet anyway a two way conversation (although there is obviously the scope for that) but apart from my first Blog I have had no comments or replies to anything, whereas with Facebook you get an immediate nofication when someone replies or comments on your posts ( which they do!!) Maybe things will improve with time and I am determined to try my utmost to make this work! Anyone else feel the same way please?
Monday, 11 February 2013
Task 1a
Well I have spent some time reading other Bloggs from BAPP students and after several revisions, I have posted my CV as my profile on my Blog. There seem to be some variation in the interperetation of the instructions for Task 1a, but I have taken this approach and loaded it as my profile. So its not exactly a CV but a precis version that gives a brief overview of my career and aspirations to date. Any comments would be greatly appreciated!!
Thursday, 7 February 2013
Creating a Blog!
Well slowly getting there! I have altered the settings now so that at least my name is showing correctly and I have uploaded a photo. However, since my first post my "about me" paragraph has disappeared! Can anyone help with how I can get this back on display please? I have created a new "Circle" for my BAPP colleagues and have been able to add most but some are showing as private viewing only! Are we making progress, I guess we are!! Eventually it will seem as easy as FB I am sure!
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Staring at a Blank page
My plan for this week was to work hard on my research proposal and the MORE form. I have a week off from teaching so knew that I had the ti...
Having spent the last week pondering over my questions and which line of enquiry I was going to follow, I think I have finally made my decis...
Having been totally at a loss as to where to start with my AOL's, I am on a roll today! I have started with two suggested titles and l...