So I have been writing all afternoon and the words seemed to flow from me, so I kept writing. However, I am now discussing how I identified my Areas of Learning and although I have submitted two AOL's and I have a third one part written, I don't know if ultimately I am going to need more areas and if so, how do I write about them in my Reflective essay?
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Onwards an upwards
So having submitted and resubmitted my Areas of Learning, I am now starting to look at my Reflective essay. The handbooks for both RPL and for this essay have been a great assistance. I am re-reading them and actually find I need both open as I am thinking of my essay. There are parts of the handbooks that I would like to quote - which I am sure is OK, but not really sure? If I do quote from them, how are they shown in bibliography - does anyone know? This sentence from DAN4510 handbook is very reflective of my feelings in this module!
Friday, 13 November 2020
Friday 13th?
So I have taken the plunge and submitted my first two Areas of Learning. I had forgotten it was Friday 13th, but I am sure it will be ok. Questions in my head, are they good enough, are they along the right lines, do they adequately reflect my learning and more to the point will the assessors think that they do!
I had almost completed my third essay as well, but I was struggling to complete it and find relevant illustrations so I have decided to wait until next semester to finish that one. Onwards and upwards, now onto my DAN4510 essay!! Fingers crossed for us all!
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Following Adesola's Skype session this morning, I now have a better understanding of the requirements for this Module. I hadn't thought about approaching the AOL's as if I was creating a course/module for another person to learn from. This makes more sense to me! Also the fact that I don't have to get all drafts done and then final essays submitted by 16th November has really taken the weight off my shoulders. I have been reading and writing and not feeling happy about the amount of time I have had to complete my further AOL's beyond the first one!
It was good to see the other participants and to hear their questions. I didn't get a chance to ask anything as my questions were mostly already answered by Adesola! Thank you!
Monday, 19 October 2020
Mirror, mirror on the wall, reflect on life and learning!
Well I have decided I am not very good at reflecting back on things! I feel like, its happened I made a mistake - or I made a good job, now get on with it! I don't like to dwell on the past even if it is supposed to make me understand how I have reached this point in my career. But I am digging and dwelling and hoping that I am heading the right way. Once I had decided upon my first AOL, another two came to mind really quickly, but who knows if they are going to be appropriate! I shall see!
Monday, 5 October 2020
Head down and into full writing mode
Having been totally at a loss as to where to start with my AOL's, I am on a roll today! I have started with two suggested titles and listed a couple of bullet points for each one and I am now going to try to draft my first one in full! Not 100% certain how it will pan out but planning on using Gibbs ( 1998) reflective circle to help me through as I have found this to be the most helpful for me to plan. How is everyone else doing? I keep checking Blogs and cant really find anything yet!
Tuesday, 29 September 2020
Following my Blog yesterday about the discussion on Sunday, I have enjoyed reading the paragraph on Meaningfulness and this sentence in particular I find very accurate.
If ‘learners can create any number of meanings, intended or otherwise, out of the same learning experience’ (Winitzkyand Kauchak, 1997), judging what is meaningful to a learner becomes basically a matter of informed guesswork because the teacher does not have access to the brain of the learner.
[Moon, Jennifer A.. A Handbook of Reflective and Experiential Learning)
We don't know how the learner is interpreting the material we as teachers are presenting them with and therefore, on occasions, I find myself offering various ways of imparting the same information to help with different interpretations. Some are successful, others are not! I have found though that the longer period of time that you spend teaching an individual( months or years), you can start to understand how they as individuals will interpret the information provided and you can adapt your delivery to that individual.
Monday, 28 September 2020
Opening a can of worms through discussion
Following last nights Skype discussion, I have taken my time to think back on different parts of the conversation and also look at the notes that I made at the time.
It suddenly occurred to me that my instant response to the words knowledge, learning and information were that you gained knowledge by learning from the information that you have been provided. All well and good, but how accurate is that information and do you use all the information or parts of it that you see will benefit you most? Ultimately, you have to make a decision as to how much of the information you use to improve your personal development and whether to investigate it further. There is not point in swallowing all the information that surrounds you and drowning. You don't always make the correct choice and you may take something and try to use it to improve your skill and it just doesn't work, however, you have gained the knowledge that learning that particular piece of information was not right for you!
I feel that I am rambling now but I think I have made myself clear!
The other topic about filming was something I found interesting as I use the tool all the time. I film the students in class, maybe doing a particular exercise and let them watch back and self critique. It works really well. The fact that you can use tools like this now I find invaluable particularly in the current climate where I can no longer physically approach a student to assist them find their placement. Also Slo-Mo is an excellent tool. As far as ethics go, I immediately delete any film I have taken.
Feeling lonely!
I missed the Skype call last Wednesday as I was teaching and I have looked back at the Chat transcript that came from it. It sounds like you had an interesting and informative chat ad hopefully felt some support now from the other students. I am, however, feeling a little lost and isolated!! I have tried to find the other Blogs but can only find one of the Blogs listed on that Chat. How is everyone progressing? Have you done anything other that breaking down your CV and annotating various parts of it? Would love some comments!!
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
I keep re-reading the descriptors of the three Honey and Mumford learning styles wondering if I am a cross section of all three or if there are parts of maybe two that I can relate to. However, I have reached the conclusion that I am entirely an Activist. Taking on challenges, thinking on my feet and not thinking about the past!! Possibly why I find it hard to reflect on my past actions or work!
Friday, 18 September 2020
Today is a good day and I finally feel like I am starting my "journey"! Finally found all the programme information, after some assistance from Helen, completed the Pop quiz and submitted my Study Plan to my Supervisor. I have watched the Introduction Skype that was recorded ( albeit and old one from earlier in the year), and started to read the Module handbook. So I guess the next move is to engage in more depth into my list of work experience in order to produce my AOL's. Interesting times, especially if we end up back in a local lockdown as it may prevent my recently restarted teaching activities!
Staring at a Blank page
My plan for this week was to work hard on my research proposal and the MORE form. I have a week off from teaching so knew that I had the ti...
Having spent the last week pondering over my questions and which line of enquiry I was going to follow, I think I have finally made my decis...
Having been totally at a loss as to where to start with my AOL's, I am on a roll today! I have started with two suggested titles and l...